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Present CFP : 2009 | |||||||||||
Call for Papers
Language Technology for the Knowledge-based Economy The 22nd International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL 2009) Hong Kong, March 26-27, 2009 (Website: http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~iccpol09) Hosted by Chinese and Oriental Languages Computer Society (COLCS) Organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Chinese University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong Supported by Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP) (to be confirmed) Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Centre for Language Technology, Macquarie University, Australia Publication Sponsor LNCS/LNAI Series, Springer INTRODUCTION The International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL) series is a regular international conference supported by the Chinese and Oriental Languages Society (COLCS), an international society founded in 1975. Recent ICCPOLs have been held in Hong Kong (1997), Tokushima, Japan (1999), Seoul, Korea (2001), Shenyang, China (2003), and Singapore (2006). This conference will be the 22nd gathering. The conference serves as an international forum for linguists, computer scientists, information engineers and system users with interests in the computer processing and understanding of Oriental languages. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 1. Cross- and multilingual information processing 2. Text input methods 3. Document analysis and character recognition 4. Natural language processing 5. Machine translation 6. Information retrieval and extraction 7. Question-answering 8. Text Summarization 9. Multilingual computing 10. Speech recognition and synthesis 11. Language resources and evaluation 12. Text mining and knowledge discovery 13. Web-based applications 14. E-commerce, education and entertainment Original papers presenting innovative ideas, design principles, theoretical analysis, implementation techniques, programming concepts, and experimental results are solicited. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The proceedings of the conference are planned to be published as a volume in the Springer LNCS/LNAI series. All submissions must therefore be formatted in accordance with the standard Springer style sheets ([LaTeX] [Microsoft Word]) and should be no more than 12 pages in length. Submissions should be in PDF format. Papers should be submitted electronically via: http://iccpol09.comp.polyu.edu.hk/myreview. Selected best papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the International Journal in Computer Processing of Languages (IJCPOL). Important Dates Paper submission: September 26, 2008 Notification: November 17, 2008 Camera Ready: December 29, 2008 Date of Conference: March 26-27, 2009. Authors should specify a preference for ORAL or POSTER presentation. For more information about paper submission, please contact the Program Committee Co-chairs: Dr. Wenjie Li at cswjli@comp.polyu.edu.hk or Dr. Diego Molla at diego@ics.mq.edu.au. CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Honorary Chairs: Bonnie Dorr, University of Maryland, USA (2008 President, ACL) [to be invited] Jong Hyeok Lee, POSTECH, Korea (President, COLCS) Elizabeth D. Liddy, Syracuse University, USA (Chair, ACM SIGIR) [to be invited] Jun-Ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo Japan (President, AFNLP) Conference Co-Chairs: Qin Lu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Robert Dale, Macquarie University, Australia Program Co-Chairs: Wenjie Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Diego Molla, Macquarie University, Australia Local Organization Chair: Grace Ngai, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Publication Chair: Kit Chung Yu, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | |||||||||||