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Present CFP : 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
)) ICBO | ODLS 2020 (( Call for Contributions Tools and Applications, Early Career and Poster Tracks https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/ Submissions due: July 7th, 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------- 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) 10th Workshop on Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS) held jointly as part of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (BOSK 2020) September 16-19, 2020 Bolzano, Italy -------------------------------------------------------------- == Coronavirus Update == ICBO 2020 will be held as a light-weight virtual event in September 2020, with a face-to-face meeting postponed to September 2021. Proceedings will be published as usual, and the Journal of Biomedical Semantics will invite authors of accepted papers to submit expanded versions to the journal. -------------------------------------------------------------- == Call for Contributions == The International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) [1] is a premier annual conference series that brings together researchers, students and professionals involved in the development and application of ontologies in all areas of biology, medicine, diseases, human health, genome biology, environment, biomes, nutrition, food, plants, agriculture and others. This year, ICBO will be held jointly with Ontologies and Data for the Life Sciences (ODLS), an annual workshop series that focuses on ontologies, data management and data processing in the life sciences and in health care. It covers the overall spectrum of biomedical information management, from experimental data acquisition and preprocessing across analysis, structuring and interpretation of data, up to developing structured representations of knowledge, in particular in the form of ontologies, with their various applications. == Important Dates == [all dates in 2020] Main research paper track dates: * Submission deadline (extended) --May 25 (Mon)-- [passed] * Notification June 22 (Mon) * Camera-ready versions July 15 (Wed) Other tracks comprise: ** Tools and Applications ** Early Career Contributions ** Poster Abstracts Other tracks dates: * Submission deadline July 07 (Tue) * Notification August 12 (Wed) * Camera-ready versions (TBA) Virtual event during September 16-19 (Wed-Sat) Face-to-face event postponed/merged with ICBO 2021, Sep 2021 All submission deadlines refer to 23:59:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12). == Types of Papers == ICBO|ODLS 2020 is soliciting submissions of novel (not previously published nor concurrently submitted) research papers in the areas of the application of ontologies to biomedical problems, ontology-based methods, ontology design and ontology interoperability, at any stage in the process from data creation to use in applications or scientific analyses. Submissions will be welcome from a broad range of approaches to ontology building and use. In addition, we would like to invite contributions showcasing methods for ontology-based research, including statistical methods, and papers addressing the challenges associated with working with multiple ontologies at the same time, including ontology development, visualization, annotation of data, analysis, and applications. Accordingly, there are several categories of submissions, corresponding to distinct tracks of the conference: * --full-length research papers (8-10 pages)-- [deadline has passed] * full-length tools and applications papers (8-10 pages) * poster abstracts (2 pages) * early career researcher symposium abstracts (5 pages) Contributions must be delivered non-anonymously and as a single PDF file. They must be formatted using the IOS Press template [5] (one-column format, available for Microsoft Word and LaTeX) according to the guidelines for book authors. The same template is required for submissions to FOIS [4] as well as to ICBO and other workshops held in the context of BOSK [2]. == Submission and Proceedings == Contributions will need to be submitted via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbo2020 [6]. All accepted papers and abstracts will be published open access in an issue of the IAOA series of CEUR-WS [7]. Moreover, accepted papers will be invited to submit an expanded version to a special issue collection in the Journal of Biomedical Semantics (JBMS) [8]. == Contact == For more information please email us at icbo2020@unibz.it [9]. == Organizing Committee == Conference Chairs: * Janna Hastings (University College London, UK) * Frank Loebe (Univ. of Leipzig, Germany) Tools and Applications Chairs: * Phillip Lord (Newcastle Univ., UK) * James Overton (Knocean, inc. & OBO Foundry) Workshop and Tutorial Chairs: * Robert Hoehndorf (KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi-Arabia) * Randi Vita (LJI, La Jolla, USA & OBO Foundry) Early Career Chairs: * Adrien Barton (IRIT, Toulouse, France & Univ. of Sherbrooke, Canada) * Nicole Vasilevsky (Oregon Health & Science Univ., Portland, USA) Publicity Chair: * Jennifer Warrender (Newcastle Univ., UK) Local Organizing Committee at Free Univ. of Bolzano, Italy: * Oliver Kutz [Local Chair] * Pietro Galliani * Guendalina Righetti * Nicolas Troquard == Links == [1] ICBO|ODLS 2020 website https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/ [2] BOSK 2020 website https://summerofknowledge.inf.unibz.it/ [3] Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW) 2020 website https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/ [4] Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) 2020 website https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it/ [5] IOS Press templates for book authors https://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/latex-and-word-tools-for-book-authors/ [6] ICBO 2020 submission page in EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbo2020 [7] CEUR Workshop Proceedings: IAOA Series http://ceur-ws.org/iaoa.html [8] Journal of Biomedical Semantics (JBMS) website https://jbiomedsem.biomedcentral.com/ [9] ICBO|ODLS 2020 contact email icbo2020@unibz.it | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||