IAS: Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society



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Event When Where Deadline
IAS 2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting
Oct 5, 2008 - Oct 9, 2008 Edmonton, AB, Canada Jan 15, 2008

Present CFP : 2008

The forty-third Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS 2008) will be held from October 5-9, 2008 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The meeting will address the technical interests related to industrial applications of electrical energy. Papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the scope of the Technical Committees of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Papers that include industry participation are strongly encouraged. Each technical session will be tied to a Committee's interest area. Papers will be selected by the Committees sponsoring technical sessions at the Annual Meeting according to their scopes. Panel sessions, and products and service sessions are also welcome. Contact the person identified for each technical committee for more information. Further information about the conference and technical program may be obtained from the conference web site located at http://www.ieee.org/ias2008.

Abstracts and digests (or full papers for submissions to the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department) shall be sent directly to the designated Technical Committee or Department Program Chair identified in this call for papers. Please note that certain Technical Committees may have somewhat different abstract and digest requirements as delineated in their call for papers below. After review, each corresponding author will be notified of acceptance by the Technical Committee and will receive instructions regarding preparation and submission of the final manuscript to be reproduced in the conference record. These communications will be conducted via email and internet so a working email address and internet access is required for each corresponding author. Presented papers are eligible for review and publication in the IEEE Industry Applications Society Transactions. These Transactions reviews are conducted by the individual technical committees.

Please do not submit the same abstract to more than one Technical Committee or Department. Duplication could result in rejection of the paper.

Please note that not all IAS Technical Committees have sessions at the IAS Annual Meeting. If a committee contact is not given in this call for papers, please contact the appropriate IAS Technical Committee Chair or IAS Technical Department Chair for further information. The IAS Technical Committee Chairs are listed in the IAS Organizational Manual and Membership Directory. Additional information can also be obtained via the Society website: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias.

Some technical committees may also sponsor Products and Services sessions at the Annual Meeting. These sessions consist of oral presentations only and there are no written papers. These sessions are oriented towards the interests of industry and presentations may be of a somewhat more commercial nature than is possible in the standard technical sessions. Persons interested in developing a presentation for a Products and Services session should check with the appropriate Technical Committee Program Chair about possible scheduling.


August 30, 2008: Conference early registration and hotel reservation deadline. Conference registrations received after this date will be processed at the on-site rate. Hotel reservations received after this date will be accepted at prevailing rack rates on a space availability basis.


January 15, 2008: Abstract and digest of proposed papers from authors received by the Technical Committee Program Chairs. Full papers received by the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department.

March 31, 2008: Notification to authors of acceptance or rejection from Technical Committee Program Chairs. Authors' information received by authors of papers selected for presentation from the Annual Meeting Technical Program Coordinator.

June 1, 2008: Complete all items on the Author Checklist. It should be noted that this is a firm deadline and that the processing of late papers will not be possible.

Note that each paper that is scheduled for presentation must be accompanied by a qualified paid registration. In general, student registrations are not considered qualified registrations. Also note that each qualifying registration can be associated with at most two papersâ??authors with more than two accepted papers will be responsible for additional costs (or a co-author may also register at a qualifying rate). For further information, you may contact the technical program coordinator for the conference via email at ias-tpc@ieee.org or the appropriate contact person identified on the conference web site.


January 15, 2008: Session information (FORM A) for all technical sessions received by the Technical Program Chairman from the Technical Committee Program Chairs.

March 15, 2008: Paper information (FORMS B and C) for all technical sessions received by the Technical Program Chairman from the Technical Committee Program Chairs.

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