IA: Intelligent Agents



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Event When Where Deadline
IA 2011 2011 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents
Apr 11, 2011 - Apr 15, 2011 Paris, France Nov 16, 2010
IA 2009 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents
Mar 30, 2009 - Apr 2, 2009 Nashville, TN, USA Oct 31, 2008

Present CFP : 2011

Part of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2011

The 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Agents (IA 2011) will be held within the 2011 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2011). The intersection between Computational Intelligence and Agent technology opens new significant opportunities in many fields where the representation and management of complex systems play a fundamental role. In the formulation of Agent-based systems, the role of uncertainty is crucial for an efficient and coherent resolution of complex problems. Agents overcome classical programs thanks to their inner capabilities to be autonomous and to adapt their behaviour with the changing of the environment where agents live and interact. This means that inevitably they meet uncertainty during their work, or in many cases, for the high complexity of the problem, the information they handle is (or needs to be) approximate. IA 2011 will aim to provide a leading international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, such as computer science, information technology, business, education, human factors, systems engineering, and robotics. The symposium will aim to examine the design principles and performance characteristics of various approaches in intelligent agent technology. In addition, the symposium will aim to increase the cross-fertilization of ideas on the development of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems among different domains. By encouraging idea-sharing and discussions on the underlying logical, cognitive, physical, and sociological foundations as well as the enabling technologies of intelligent agents, IA 2011 will foster the development of novel paradigms and advanced solutions in agent-based computing.


The symposium will bring together researchers from both industry and academia from the various disciplines contributing to the area on intelligent agents. Such disciplines include, but are not limited to:

* Embedded and Robotic Agents
* Mobile Agents
* Autonomous Knowledge and Information Agents
* Agent Systems Modeling and Methodology
* Autonomous Auctions and Negotiation
* Agent-Based Marketplaces
* Agent-Based Distributed Data Mining
* Agents for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
* Agents for E-Commerce
* Agents for Dialogue Systems
* Environment-aware Agents
* Holonic Agents
* Semantic Web Agents
* Human Agent Interaction
* Agents for Smart Environments
* Middleware Agents
* Agent Interaction Protocols
* Multi-Agent Coordination Techniques
* Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures
* Multi-Agent Planning and Re-Planning
* Social Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems
* Agents Applications

Symposium Co-Chairs

Hani Hagras, University of Essex, UK
Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno, Italy

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