GREC: Graphics Recognition



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Event When Where Deadline
GREC 2013 10th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition
Aug 20, 2013 - Aug 21, 2013 Bethlehem, PA, USA Mar 31, 2013
GREC 2011 Ninth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics RECognition
Sep 15, 2011 - Sep 16, 2011 Seoul, Korea May 15, 2011

Present CFP : 2013

We are pleased to announce that the Tenth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2013), organized by IAPR TC-10 (Technical Committee on Graphics Recognition), will be held at Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA, USA) on August 20-21, 2013, just before the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). Transportation shuttle buses will be arranged between GREC and ICDAR.

Since its beginnings the GREC workshops series has provided a unique atmosphere, fostering a very high level of interaction, discussion and exchange of ideas (distinctly different from classical conference-like presentations) while providing high quality and good impact post-proceedings. It therefore froms an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners at all levels of experience to meet colleagues and to share new ideas and knowledge about graphics recognition methods. Graphics Recognition is a subfield of document image analysis that deals with graphical entities in written documens, engineering drawings, maps, architectural plans, musical scores, mathematical notation, tables, diagrams, etc.

GREC 2013 will continue the tradition of past workshops held at Penn State University (USA), Nancy (France), Jaipur (India), Kingston (Canada), Barcelona (Spain), Hong Kong (China), Curitiba (Brazil), La Rochelle (France) and Seoul (South Korea).

Workshop Format

The program will be organized in a single-track 2-day workshop. It will comprise several sessions dedicated to specific topics related to graphics in document analysis and graphic recognitio. For each session, there will be an invited presentation describing the state of the art and stating the open questions for the topic of the session, followed by a number of short presentations that will contribute by proposing solutions to some of the questions or presenting results of the speaker's work. Each session will be concluded by a panel discussion.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Raster-to-vector techniques.

Recognition of graphical primitives.

Recognition of graphic symbols in charts, diagrams, and drawings.

Interpretation of engineering drawings, maps, tables, and other graphical documents.

Graphics-based information retrieval.

Historical graphic indexing.

3-D models from multiple 2-D views (line drawings).

Identification and localization of graphical mark-ups and annotations in written documents.

Digital ink processing.

Sketch recognition and understanding.

Description of complete systems for interpretation of graphic documents.

Performance evaluation in graphics recognition.

Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for graphics multimedia documents.

Related Resources

GbR 2025   14th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition
NLAIM 2025   2nd International Conference on NLP, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applications
ACM MLPR 2025   ACM--2025 The 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (MLPR 2025)
IEEE PRAI 2025   IEEE--2025 the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI 2025)
CIoT 2025   7th International Conference on Internet of Things
ICMIP 2025   SPIE--2025 10th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing (ICMIP 2025)
ICPRS 2025   15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems
CVAI 2026   2026 International Symposium on Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (CVAI 2026)
CGI 2025   The 42nd Computer Graphics International 2025
CVIT 2025   SPIE--2025 6th International Conference on Computer Vision and Information Technology (CVIT 2025)