FMOODS: Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems



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FMOODS 2011 13th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems
Jun 6, 2011 - Jun 9, 2011 Reykjavik, Iceland Feb 20, 2011 (Feb 13, 2011)

Present CFP : 2011


Call for Papers

IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems
joint international conference
13th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems
31th Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems

part of the federated event
DisCoTec'11 (Distributed Computing Techniques)

Reykjavik, Iceland, June 6-9, 2011

Important dates

* February 6, 2011 Abstract Submission
* February 13, 2011 Paper Submission
* March 20, 2011 Notification of Acceptance
* April 3, 2011 Camera ready version
* June 6-8, 2011 Conference
* June 9, 2011 Workshops

Objectives and Scope

The joint conference FMOODS & FORTE is a forum for fundamental
research on theory and applications of distributed systems. The
conference solicits original contributions that advance the science
and technologies for distributed systems, with special interest
in the areas of:

* component- and model-based design
* object technology, modularity, software adaptation
* service-oriented, ubiquitous, pervasive, grid, cloud and mobile
computing systems
* software quality, reliability and security

The conference encourages contributions that combine theory and
practice and that exploit formal methods and theoretical foundations
to present novel solutions to problems arising from the development
of distributed systems. FMOODS & FORTE covers distributed computing
models and formal specification, testing and verification methods.
The application domains include all kinds of application-level
distributed systems, telecommunication services, Internet, embedded
and real time systems, as well as networking and communication
security and reliability.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Languages and Semantic Foundations: new modeling and language
concepts for distribution and concurrency, semantics for different
types of languages, including programming languages, modeling
languages, and domain specific languages; real-time and probability
aspects; type systems and behavioral typing

* Formal Methods and Techniques: design, specification, analysis,
verification, validation and testing of various types of distributed
systems including communications and network protocols,
service-oriented systems, and adaptive distributed systems

* Applications of Formal Methods: applying formal methods and
techniques for studying quality, reliability and
security of distributed systems, particularly web services,
multimedia and telecommunications systems

* Practical Experience with Formal Methods: industrial applications,
case studies and software tools for applying formal methods and
description techniques to the development and analysis of real
distributed systems

Proceedings and Submission guidelines

The FMOODS & FORTE 2011 conference calls for high quality papers presenting
research results and/or application reports related to the research areas in
conference scope.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS
series. Proceedings will be made available at the conference.

All papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Contributions should be submitted electronically in PDF via the
EasyChair system at the URL

Each paper will undergo a peer review of at least 3 anonymous reviewers.

The papers must be prepared using the SPRINGER LNCS style, available at the URL

Papers must not exceed 15 pages in length, including figures and references.
For referees' convenience, any additional material that may help assessing the
merits of the submission but not to be included in the final version, like some
detailed proofs, may be placed in a clearly marked appendix (not to be counted
in the page limit). Referees are at liberty to ignore the appendix, and papers must
be understandable without them.

Submissions not adhering to the above specified constraints may be rejected
immediately, without review.

Programme Committee

- Saddek Bensalem, University Joseph Fourier, France
- Dirk Beyer, University of Passau, Germany
- Gregor Bochmann, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Roberto Bruni (co-chair), University of Pisa, Italy
- Nancy Day, University of Waterloo, Canada
- John Derrick, University of Sheffield, UK
- Juergen Dingel (co-chair), Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
- Khaled El-Fakih, American University of Sharjah, UAE
- Holger Giese, University of Potsdam, Germany
- John Hatcliff, Kansas State University, USA
- Valerie Issarny, INRIA Paris Rocquencourt, France
- Claude Jard, INRIA/IRISA Rennes, France
- Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
- Ferhat Khendek, Concordia University, Canada
- Jay Ligatti, University of South Florida, USA
- Luigi Logrippo, University of Quebec - Outaouais, Canada
- Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock, Germany
- Fabio Massacci, University of Trento, Italy
- Uwe Nestmann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- Peter Olveczky, University of Oslo, Norway
- Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM Montreal, Canada
- Frank Piessens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Andre Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Antonio Ravara, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Ken Turner, University of Stirling, UK
- Keiichi Yasumoto, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London, UK
- Elena Zucca, University of Genova, Italy

Steering Committee

- Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software, Spain
- Gregor v. Bochmann, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Frank S. de Boer, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, the Netherlands
- John Derrick, University of Sheffield, UK
- Khaled El-Fakih, American University of Sharjah, UAE
- Roberto Gorrieri, University of Bologna, Italy
- John Hatcliff, Kansas State University, USA
- David Lee, The Ohio State University, USA
- Antonia Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Elie Najm (chair), Telecom ParisTech, France
- Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Antonio Ravara, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA
- Ken Turner, University of Stirling, UK
- Keiichi Yasumoto, NAIST, Japan
- Elena Zucca, University of Genova, Italy
Contact Information

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