Software Engineering

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
ICSS 2024 10th International Conference on Software Security
Nov 23, 2024 - Nov 24, 2024 London, United Kingdom Sep 21, 2024
SEMTEC 2024 2nd International Conference on Semantic Technology
Oct 5, 2024 - Oct 6, 2024 Virtual Conference Sep 21, 2024
ELE 2024 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering
Oct 5, 2024 - Oct 6, 2024 Virtual Conference Sep 21, 2024
CCSITA 2024 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology Advances
Oct 5, 2024 - Oct 6, 2024 Virtual Conference Sep 21, 2024
NATL 2024 10th International Conference on Natural Language Computing
Nov 9, 2024 - Nov 10, 2024 Melbourne, Australia Sep 21, 2024
SEAU 2024 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Automation
Oct 26, 2024 - Oct 27, 2024 Vienna, Austria Sep 21, 2024
IJFCST 2024 International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science & Technology
N/A N/A Sep 21, 2024
VCOI 2024 International Conference on Vision and Computational Intelligence
Nov 29, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024 Virtual Conference Sep 21, 2024
ASOFT 2024 5th International Conference on Advances in Software Engineering
Oct 19, 2024 - Oct 20, 2024 Sydney, Australia Sep 21, 2024
VLSICS 2024 International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
IJWMN 2024 International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks -- ERA, WJCI Indexed, H index 37
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
IJCSES 2024 International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
IJFLS 2024 International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
IJAIT 2024 International Journal of Advanced Information Technology
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
IJCSEA 2024 International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
IJDMS 2024 International Journal of Database Management Systems
N/A N/A Sep 22, 2024
ICAASE 2024 The 6th Edition of the International Conference on Advanced Aspectsof Software Engineering
Nov 9, 2024 - Nov 10, 2024 Constantine, Algeria Sep 22, 2024
ITEORY 2024 2nd International Conference on Information Theory and Machine Learning
Dec 28, 2024 - Dec 29, 2024 Dubai, UAE Sep 22, 2024
ISTECH 2024 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Techniques
Dec 28, 2024 - Dec 29, 2024 Dubai, UAE Sep 22, 2024
ICSA 2025 [ICSA 2025] Call for Workshop Proposals
Mar 31, 2025 - Apr 4, 2025 Odense, Denmark Sep 23, 2024
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