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(ordered by deadline)
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AlaSim 2012 Alabama Modeling and Simulation Council (AMSC) AlaSim International 2012
May 1, 2012 - May 3, 2012 Huntsville, AL Sep 9, 2011
MSOP2P 2012 6th International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Peer-to-peer Environments
Feb 15, 2012 - Feb 17, 2012 Garching Aug 15, 2011
CARS 2011 3rd International Workshop on Context-Aware Recommender Systems
Oct 23, 2011 - Oct 23, 2011 Chicago, IL, USA Jul 25, 2011
PSB 2012 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2012
Jan 3, 2012 - Jan 7, 2012 Big Island, Hawaii Jul 11, 2011
CollabViz 2011 First international workshop on Collaborative usage and development of models and visualizations at ECSCW 2011
Sep 24, 2011 - Sep 25, 2011 ECSCW 2011, Aarhus, Denmark Jun 15, 2011 (Jun 1, 2011)
HLDVT 2011 IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop
Nov 9, 2011 - Nov 11, 2011 Napa Valley, USA Jun 10, 2011
IM4CSN 2011 Integrated Models for Information Communication Systems and Networks: Design and Development
May 30, 2011 - Jul 20, 2011 USA May 30, 2011
Sep 9, 2011 - Sep 9, 2011 San Francisco, USA May 22, 2011
HMS 2011 International Conference on Harbor Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling & Simulation
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
HM&S track- EMSS 2011 Track on Human-centred and Human-focused Modelling and Simulation. EMSS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
APCBT track-DHSS 2011 Track on Adaptive and predictive computer-based tutoring. DHSS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
M&SLTT track- HMS 2011 Track on Modelling & Simulation in Logistics, Traffic and Transportation. HMS2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
IMS track- MAS 2011 Track on Inventory Management Simulation. MAS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
MSSTOS track- DHSS 2011 Track on Multilevel Simulation to support training and operative simulation: Tools and Federations, current situation and way ahead. DHSS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
RSSM&S-HMS 2011 Track on Railway systems and services Modeling & Simulation- HMS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
PSD track- MAS 2011 Track on Production Systems Design. MAS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
LVCSA track-DHSS 2011 Track on LVC Simulation architectures: State of the art and future developments. DHSS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
AMALM track- HMS 2011 Track on Advanced Models and Applications of Logistics & Manufacturing. HMS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
DSSA track- MAS 2011 Track on Decision Support Systems Applications. MAS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
HSHS track-DHSS 2011 Track on Healthcare Simulation & Homeland Security. DHSS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
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