Linked Data

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
VOILA 2017 3rd International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data
Oct 21, 2017 - Oct 22, 2017 Vienna Jul 21, 2017 (Jul 14, 2017)
MTSR 2017 11th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference
Nov 28, 2017 - Dec 1, 2017 Tallinn, Estonia Jul 10, 2017
MTSR OAR Track 2017 Special Track on Metadata & Semantics for MTSR 2017 - Special Track on Open Repositories, Research Information Systems and Data Infrastructures
Nov 28, 2017 - Dec 1, 2017 Tallinn, Estonia Jul 10, 2017
LIDARI 2017 2nd Workshop on Linked Data in Robotics and Industry 4.0
Sep 11, 2017 - Sep 11, 2017 Amsterdam Jul 3, 2017
SWIB 2017 SWIB17 - Semantic Web in Libraries Conference
Dec 4, 2017 - Dec 6, 2017 Hamburg, Germany May 28, 2017
LDM 2017 The 2017 International Workshop on Linked Data Mining
Aug 9, 2017 - Aug 10, 2017 Hefei, China May 25, 2017
ISWC 2017 16th International Semantic Web Conference
Oct 21, 2017 - Oct 25, 2017 Vienna, Austria May 15, 2017 (May 8, 2017)
SWJ-LD4IE 2017 SEMANTIC WEB JOURNAL - Call for papers: SPECIAL ISSUE ON Linked Data for Information Extraction
N/A N/A May 5, 2017
SD-LLOD 2017 2nd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data
Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 30, 2017 Madrid, Spain Apr 4, 2017
LD-DL 2017 2nd International Workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers
May 29, 2017 - May 29, 2017 Portoroz Mar 20, 2017
(Call For Papers)OKE 2017 Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge
May 28, 2017 - Jun 1, 2017 Portoroz, Slovenia Mar 20, 2017
OKE 2017 OKE2017 - Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge @ESWC2017
May 28, 2017 - Jun 1, 2017 Portoroz, Slovenia Mar 10, 2017
LDQ 2017 4th Workshop on Linked Data Quality
May 28, 2017 - May 28, 2017 Portoroz, Slovenia Mar 3, 2017
MEPDaW 2017 3rd Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web
May 28, 2017 - May 28, 2017 Portorož, Slovenia Mar 3, 2017
JWS - VOILA 2017 Extended Deadline: Special Issue on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data
N/A N/A Feb 15, 2017
IJAR Uncertainty Reasoning for the Web 2017 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR) Special Issue on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Web
N/A N/A Feb 15, 2017
LD-DL 2017 The 1st International Workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers
Apr 3, 2017 - Apr 4, 2017 Perth Jan 16, 2017
ESWC 2017 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 28, 2017 - Jun 1, 2017 Portoroz, Slovenia Dec 14, 2016 (Dec 7, 2016)
SEPDA 2016 The 1st International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Data Analytics
Dec 15, 2016 - Dec 15, 2016 Shenzhen, China Oct 15, 2016
EduWebofData 2016 Educational Applications on the Web of Data
N/A N/A Sep 1, 2016 (Jul 1, 2016)
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