Information Retrieval

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
BIR 2014 Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval
Apr 13, 2014 - Apr 13, 2014 Amsterdam Feb 14, 2014
GamifIR 2014 Gamification for Information Retrieval (GamifIR'14)
Apr 13, 2014 - Apr 13, 2014 Amsterdam, NL Feb 12, 2014
SIGIR 2014 The 37th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference
Jul 6, 2014 - Jul 11, 2014 Gold Coast Jan 27, 2014 (Jan 20, 2014)
ICWSM 2014 The 8th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Jun 2, 2014 - Jun 4, 2014 Ann Arbor, MI, USA Jan 22, 2014 (Jan 15, 2014)
CPM 2014 25th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching
Jun 16, 2014 - Jun 18, 2014 Moscow, Russia Jan 10, 2014
CICLing 2014 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
Apr 6, 2014 - Apr 12, 2014 Kathmandu, Nepal Jan 7, 2014 (Dec 31, 2013)
MAW 2014 The 2014 International Symposium on Mining and Web
May 13, 2014 - May 16, 2014 Victoria, Canada Dec 31, 2013
LSDS-IR 2014 11th International Workshop on Large-Scale and Distributed Systems for IR
Feb 28, 2014 - Feb 28, 2014 New York NY, USA Dec 23, 2013
WSCD 2014 Workshop on Log-based Personalization
Feb 28, 2014 - Feb 28, 2014 New York City Dec 23, 2013
3DOR 2014 Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2014 (3DOR'14)
Apr 6, 2014 - Apr 6, 2014 Strasbourg, France Dec 22, 2013
INSIGHT 2014 Scientific data as viewed from an aesthetic perspective
Mar 20, 2014 - Apr 4, 2014 Hall in Tirol, Austria Dec 15, 2013
PLN_ 2014 Issue 52 of Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
N/A N/A Nov 15, 2013
ECIR 2014 The European Conference on Information Retrieval
Apr 13, 2014 - Apr 17, 2014 Amsterdam, the Netherlands Oct 14, 2013
ADCS 2013 Australasian Document Computing Symposium
Dec 5, 2013 - Dec 6, 2013 Brisbane, QLD, Australia Oct 7, 2013
ESSEM 2013 International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media: approaches and perspectives from AI
Dec 3, 2013 - Dec 3, 2013 Turin, Italy Sep 25, 2013
DART 2013 7th International Workshop on Information Filtering and Retrieval
Dec 6, 2013 - Dec 6, 2013 Turin, Italy Sep 21, 2013
MIKE 2013 International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
Dec 18, 2013 - Dec 20, 2013 Virudhunagar, Madurai Sep 15, 2013 (Aug 25, 2013)
MediaEval 2013 Placing Task
Oct 18, 2013 - Oct 19, 2013 Barcelona, Spain Aug 31, 2013 (Jun 30, 2013)
DaEng 2013 The First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering - LNEE Springer
Dec 16, 2013 - Dec 18, 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Aug 30, 2013
WSDM 2014 Seventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
Feb 24, 2014 - Feb 28, 2014 New York City Aug 28, 2013 (Aug 21, 2013)
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