High Performance Computing

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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
HPCC 2012 The 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 27, 2012 Liverpool, England, UK Mar 18, 2012
Grid 2012 The 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing
Sep 20, 2012 - Sep 23, 2012 Beijing, China Mar 15, 2012
DATICS-NPC 2012 DATICS NPC Workshop Hosted By The 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing
Sep 6, 2012 - Sep 8, 2012 Gwangju, South Korea Mar 10, 2012
HEART 2012 Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies
May 31, 2012 - Jun 1, 2012 Okinawa, Japan Mar 7, 2012
MAPREDUCE 2012 The Third International Workshop on MapReduce and its Applications
Jun 18, 2012 - Jun 19, 2012 Delft, the Netherlands Mar 4, 2012
HPCS 2012 The 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation
Jul 2, 2012 - Jul 6, 2012 Madrid, Spain Feb 26, 2012
SICSAMCC 2012 SICSA MultiCore Challenge - Programming Language Support for Multicore Parallelism
N/A N/A Feb 6, 2012
IWOMP 2012 International Workshop on OpenMP
Jun 11, 2012 - Jun 13, 2012 Rome, Italy Jan 31, 2012
HPDC 2012 The 21st International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
Jun 18, 2012 - Jun 22, 2012 Delft, the Netherlands Jan 23, 2012 (Jan 16, 2012)
ISC 2012 International Supercomputing Conference 2012
Jun 17, 2012 - Jun 21, 2012 Hamburg, Germany Jan 22, 2012
WHIST 2012 Second International Workshop on High-performance Infrastructure for Scalable Tools
Feb 25, 2012 - Feb 25, 2012 New Orleans, LA, USA Jan 19, 2012
ICS 2012 International Conference on Supercomputing 2012
Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 29, 2012 Venice,Italy Jan 15, 2012 (Jan 8, 2012)
HCW 2012 21st International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (in conjunction with IPDPS 2012)
May 21, 2012 - May 21, 2012 Shanghai, China Jan 14, 2012
IPDPSW 2012 IPDPS Workshops 2012
May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012 Shanghai, China Jan 9, 2012
IEEE HPDIC 2012 2012 International Workshop on High Performance Data Intensive Computing In Conjunction With IEEE IPDPS 2012
May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012 Shanghai Jan 8, 2012
VECPAR 2012 10th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing for Computational Science
Jul 17, 2012 - Jul 20, 2012 Kobe, Japan Dec 23, 2011
COMPUTE 2012 1st Annual Conference of ACM Pune Professional Chapter
Jan 23, 2012 - Jan 24, 2012 Pune Sep 25, 2011
PyHPC 2011 Python for High Performance and Scientific Computing
Nov 18, 2011 - Nov 18, 2011 Seattle, USA Sep 19, 2011
HPCDB 2011 1st Workshop on High Performance Computing Meets Databases
Nov 18, 2011 - Nov 18, 2011 Seattle, WA, USA Aug 22, 2011
SBAC-PAD 2011 The 23rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
Oct 26, 2011 - Oct 29, 2011 Vitória - Brazil Jul 3, 2011
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