Grid Computing

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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
EInfra4HMR 2015 Special Session on E-Infrastructures for Hydro-Meteorological Research hosted by 23rd Euromicro PDP Conference
Mar 4, 2015 - Mar 6, 2015 Turku, Finland Sep 1, 2014
Mar 4, 2015 - Mar 6, 2015 Turku, Finland Sep 1, 2014
W-PSDS 2014 2nd Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems (W-PSDS 2014)
Oct 6, 2014 - Oct 6, 2014 Nara, Japan Jul 1, 2014
SCCG 2014 3rd International Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques in Cluster, Grid, and Cloud Computing Systems
Nov 8, 2014 - Nov 10, 2014 Guangzhou, China May 15, 2014
MTAGS 2013 6th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers
Nov 17, 2013 - Nov 17, 2013 Denver, CO, USA Sep 1, 2013
ICNC-OGCS 2014 Call for papers Optical and Grid Computing Symposium, ICNC 2014
Feb 3, 2014 - Feb 6, 2014 Hawaii, United States Jul 5, 2013
W-PSDS 2013 Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems
Sep 30, 2013 - Sep 30, 2013 Braga, Portugal Jun 22, 2013
ParBio 2013 2nd International Workshop on Parallel and Cloud-based Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
Sep 22, 2013 - Sep 25, 2013 Washington, DC May 30, 2013
ICGEC 2013 The 7th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2013)
Aug 25, 2013 - Aug 27, 2013 Prague, Czech Republic May 26, 2013
CLUSTER 2013 IEEE CLUSTER 2013 Conference
Sep 23, 2013 - Sep 27, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana May 18, 2013
3PGCIC 2013 Eight International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing
Oct 28, 2013 - Oct 30, 2013 Compiegne (paris), France May 1, 2013
Multicore World 2013 Multicore World
Feb 19, 2013 - Feb 20, 2013 Wellington, NZ Nov 12, 2012
GPC 2013 The 8th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing
May 9, 2013 - May 11, 2013 Daegu, Korea Oct 30, 2012
PARCOMPTECH 2013 IEEE Technically Co-sponsored National conference on Parallel Computing Technologies
Feb 22, 2013 - Feb 23, 2013 Bangalore, INDIA Oct 30, 2012
T4GC 2012 Technologies in the 4G Communication (T4GC)
Dec 12, 2012 - Dec 14, 2012 London, UK Oct 15, 2012
PDGC 2012 The Second IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing
Dec 6, 2012 - Dec 8, 2012 Solan, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA Sep 15, 2012
MTAGS 2012 The 5th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers
Nov 12, 2012 - Nov 12, 2012 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Sep 10, 2012
MGC 2012 10th International Workshop on Middleware for Grids, Clouds and e-Science - MGC 2012
Dec 3, 2012 - Dec 7, 2012 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Aug 23, 2012
APSCC 2012 The 7th IEEE International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference
Dec 6, 2012 - Dec 8, 2012 Guilin, China Jul 5, 2012
ROLCG 2012 5th Romania Tier 2 Federation Grid, Cloud & High Performance Computing Science
Oct 25, 2012 - Oct 27, 2012 Cluj-Napoca, Romania May 30, 2012
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