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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
VISSOFT 2024 12th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
Oct 6, 2024 - Oct 7, 2024 Flagstaff, Arizona USA Jun 16, 2024 (Jun 9, 2024)
QUALIFIER 2023 International Workshop on Quality in Software Architecture
Sep 18, 2023 - Sep 19, 2023 Istanbul, Turkiye Jun 30, 2023
SLS 2022 Sainsbury Laboratory Symposium 2022: Regulatory Dynamics During Development and Evolution
Sep 21, 2022 - Sep 23, 2022 Cambridge, UK Jun 12, 2022
Animal Personality 2021 The Evolution and Consequences of Animal Personality
N/A N/A Nov 26, 2021
MEEGID XV 2021 15th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases
Nov 2, 2021 - Nov 5, 2021 Tulane University and Jung Hotel, New Or Jun 4, 2021
ICSME 2021 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
Sep 27, 2021 - Oct 1, 2021 Online, Luxembourg Apr 29, 2021 (Apr 26, 2021)
ICSME 2020 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
Sep 27, 2020 - Oct 3, 2020 Adelaide, Austalia May 28, 2020 (May 22, 2020)
DDrEE 2020 2nd International Workshop on Data-Driven Decisions, Experimentation and Evolution
May 23, 2020 - May 29, 2020 Seoul, South Korea Jan 22, 2020
ICSME 2019 International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
Sep 30, 2019 - Oct 4, 2019 Cleveland, USA Apr 5, 2019 (Mar 29, 2019)
RECOMB-CG 2018 RECOMB Comparative Genomics 2018
Oct 9, 2018 - Oct 12, 2018 Magog-Orford, Canada Jun 18, 2018
EVL-BP 2016 9th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes
Sep 5, 2016 - Sep 6, 2016 Vienna, Austria May 20, 2016
MEPDaW 2016 CFP for the 2nd Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web, MEPDaW 2016@ESWC2016
May 30, 2016 - May 30, 2016 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Mar 4, 2016
SPW 2016 International Workshop on Security Protocols
Apr 6, 2016 - Apr 8, 2016 Brno, Czech Republic Jan 31, 2016
DIACHRON 2016 2nd International Workshop on Preservation of Evolving Big Data
Mar 16, 2016 - Mar 16, 2016 Bordeaux, France Dec 5, 2015
IWPSE 2015 International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution
Aug 30, 2015 - Aug 31, 2015 Bergamo, Italy Jun 5, 2015
Oct 10, 2014 - Oct 10, 2014 Kyiv, Ukraine Sep 30, 2014
VEM 2014 2nd Workshop on Software Visualization, Maintenance, and Evolution
Sep 28, 2014 - Sep 28, 2014 Maceio, AL - Brazil Jun 30, 2014
DFF 2014 Design For Future – Langlebige Softwaresysteme
Apr 28, 2014 - Apr 30, 2014 Bad Honnef, Germany Mar 7, 2014
SAB 2014 Simulation of Adaptive Behavior 2014
Jul 22, 2014 - Jul 24, 2014 Castellon, Spain Feb 10, 2014
MMSM 2014 Modellbasierte und Modellgetriebene Softwaremodernisierung
Mar 19, 2014 - Mar 21, 2014 Vienna Jan 25, 2014 (Jan 18, 2014)
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