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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
STIDS 2014 Ninth International Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security
Nov 18, 2014 - Nov 21, 2014 Fairfax, Virginia, USA Sep 12, 2014
InnoTek 2014 2014 IEEE-USA Innovations in Technology Conference (InnoTek2014)
May 15, 2014 - May 18, 2014 Crowne Plaza, Warwick, RI Feb 14, 2014
CISDA 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications
Jul 11, 2012 - Jul 13, 2012 Ottawa, Canada Apr 23, 2012
HSFF 2012 Homeland Security Finance Forum 2012
Mar 6, 2012 - Mar 6, 2012 Washington, DC Dec 15, 2011
DHSS 2011 International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
CSCC2 track- DHSS 2011 Track on Cyber security and collective C2. DHSS 2011
Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 14, 2011 Rome, Italy May 20, 2011
DSS 2011 SPIE Defense and Security Sensing
Apr 25, 2011 - Apr 29, 2011 Orlando, FL, USA Oct 11, 2010
DSR 2011 Defense Science Research Conference And Expo
Jun 21, 2011 - Jun 24, 2011 Singapore TBD
ETRI Journal SI 2024 ETRI Journal Special Issue on Defense and Disaster Response Technologies
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