Cultural Heritage

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
CCA 2019 Cultural Collections & Applications (CCA2019) - Special Track on 13th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR2019)
Oct 28, 2019 - Oct 31, 2019 Rome, Italy Jul 1, 2019
COARCH 2019 Workshop on Computing Techniques for Spatio-Temporal Data in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Sep 10, 2019 - Sep 10, 2019 Regensburg, Germany Jun 9, 2019 (Jun 2, 2019)
DiPP 2019 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage
Sep 26, 2019 - Sep 28, 2019 Burgas, Bulgaria Jun 5, 2019
DISEGNARECON - SCOPUS 2019 DISEGNARECON (1828-5961) Journal of Architecture and Cultural Heritage CALL FOR PAPERS ISSUE Vol 12 No 22 (2019)
N/A N/A May 30, 2019 (Apr 5, 2019)
ENCATC Journal 2019 European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy
N/A N/A Apr 1, 2019
EVA London 2019 Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
Jul 8, 2019 - Jul 11, 2019 London, UK Jan 14, 2019
VIPERC 2019 Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage Understanding Workshop
Jan 30, 2019 - Jan 30, 2019 Pisa, Italy Dec 20, 2018
IJCMHS 2019 International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science - First call for 2019
N/A N/A Sep 30, 2018
DISEGNARECON (1828-5961) SCOPUS ESCI WOS 2018 DISEGNARECON (1828-5961) Journal of Architecture and Cultural Heritage CALL FOR PAPERS ISSUE Vol 11, No 21 (2018)
N/A N/A Sep 29, 2018
IJCMHS 2018 International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science - Second call for 2018
N/A N/A Jun 30, 2018
ENCATC 2018 26th ENCATC Congress Beyond EYCH2018. What is the cultural horizon? Opening up perspectives to face ongoing transformations
Sep 26, 2018 - Sep 29, 2018 Bucharest, Romania Jun 5, 2018
SW4CH - 2018 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage
Jun 3, 2018 - Jun 4, 2018 Heraklion, Greece Mar 16, 2018
EVA London 2018 Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
Jul 10, 2018 - Jul 12, 2018 London, UK Jan 15, 2018
IJCMHS 2018 International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science
N/A N/A Dec 31, 2017
Florence Heri-Tech 2018 International Conference Florence Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies
May 16, 2018 - May 18, 2018 Palazzo dei Congressi, Villa Vittoria, F Oct 30, 2017
VICTA 2017 Workshop on Visions on Internet of Cultural Things and Applications
Dec 4, 2017 - Dec 7, 2017 Jaipur, India Sep 23, 2017
SW4CH@ADBIS 2017 Second Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage workshop
Sep 24, 2017 - Sep 24, 2017 Nicosia, Cyprus Apr 21, 2017
IJCMHS 2017 International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science
N/A N/A Apr 1, 2017
DH&IC / iLRN 2017 Special Track on Digital Heritage and the Immersive City @ iLRN 2017
Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 29, 2017 Coimbra, Portugal Feb 24, 2017
EVA London 2017 Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
Jul 10, 2017 - Jul 13, 2017 London, UK Jan 16, 2017
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