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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
QoMEX-CS 2019 QoMEX 2019 Special Session: Quality of Experience and User Experience Research with and for Crowdsourcing
Jun 5, 2019 - Jun 7, 2019 Berlin, Germany Jan 22, 2019 (Jan 18, 2019)
SIGMOD 2019 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
Jun 30, 2019 - Jul 5, 2019 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jul 19, 2018 (Jul 12, 2018)
LABELS 2018 Large-scale Annotation of Biomedical data and Expert Label Synthesis
Sep 16, 2018 - Sep 16, 2018 Granada, Spain Jun 11, 2018
dmmooc 2018 The Second International Workshop on Data Management and Mining on MOOCs
Jul 23, 2018 - Jul 25, 2018 Macau Jun 2, 2018
CSCW 2018 The 21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Nov 3, 2018 - Nov 7, 2018 New York City's Hudson River, Jersey Cit Apr 19, 2018 (Apr 16, 2018)
HComp 2018 The sixth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
Jul 5, 2018 - Jul 8, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland Feb 23, 2018 (Feb 19, 2018)
ASSRI 2017 6th Australasian Symposium on Service Research and Innovation
Oct 19, 2017 - Oct 20, 2017 Sydney, NSW, Australia Sep 27, 2017
Crowd Science 2018 Crowd Science @ HICSS 2018
Jan 4, 2018 - Jan 8, 2018 Big Island, HI Jun 15, 2017
CrowdRE 2017 2nd International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering
Sep 4, 2017 - Sep 4, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal Jun 9, 2017
CSI-SE (Extended) 2017 The 4th International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE 2017)
May 22, 2017 - May 22, 2017 Buenos Aires Jan 27, 2017
CSISE 2017 The 4th International Workshop on Crowd Sourcing in Software Engineering
May 22, 2017 - May 22, 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina Jan 20, 2017
CrowdInt-JAIHC 2017 Special Issue: Extracting Crowd Intelligence from Pervasive and Social Big Data [JAIHC]
N/A N/A Dec 15, 2016
IEEE Software Theme Issue 2017 IEEE Software - Theme Issue on Crowdsourcing for Software Engineering
N/A N/A Aug 1, 2016
GamifIR 2016 Third International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval
Jul 21, 2016 - Jul 21, 2016 Pisa, Italy Jun 6, 2016
HCOMP 2016 Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
Oct 30, 2016 - Nov 3, 2016 Austin, TX, USA May 17, 2016
PQS 2016 Fifth ISCA/DEGA Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems
Aug 29, 2016 - Aug 31, 2016 Berlin, Germany Apr 20, 2016 (Jun 5, 2016)
CSI-SE 2016 3rd International Workshop on Crowd Sourcing in Software Engineering
May 16, 2016 - May 16, 2016 Austin, Texas, USA Jan 29, 2016
WorkLearn 2016 Connecting Online Work and Online Education at Scale
May 8, 2016 - May 8, 2016 San Jose - co-located with CHI16 Jan 15, 2016
ISSC 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Software Crowdsourcing
Mar 29, 2016 - Apr 1, 2016 Oxford, UK Jan 5, 2016
CROWDBENCH 2016 Workshop on Benchmarks for Ubiquitous Crowdsourcing at IEEE PerCom 2016
Mar 14, 2016 - Mar 18, 2016 Sydney, Australia Nov 27, 2015 (Nov 20, 2015)
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