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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
SMPC 2013 Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Aug 8, 2013 - Aug 11, 2013 Toronto, Canada Feb 1, 2013
CogALex 2012 Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
Dec 15, 2012 - Dec 15, 2012 Mumbay Oct 15, 2012
SI-MP 2013 Special Issue of Music Perception on Corpus Methods in Music Research
N/A N/A Oct 15, 2012
VRED 2013 Visualization and Reasoning with Euler Diagrams: Special issue of the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
N/A N/A Oct 5, 2012 (Sep 7, 2012)
Euler Diagrams 2012 3rd International Workshop on Euler Diagrams
Jul 2, 2012 - Jul 2, 2012 Canterbury, UK Apr 6, 2012 (Mar 30, 2012)
N/A N/A Feb 15, 2012
Shapes 2011 Shapes 1.0 - The Shape of Things@CONTEXT 11
Sep 26, 2011 - Sep 27, 2011 Karlsruhe, Germany Aug 30, 2011 (Aug 15, 2011)
Comp. & Cog. on Biological Grounds 2012 Pointing at Boundaries: Integrating Computation and Cognition on Biological Grounds
N/A N/A May 16, 2011
Academic Exchange Quarterly Spring 2011 Call for paper: Academic Exchange Quarterly Spring 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1 - Learning Technologies in Engineering and Science
N/A N/A Nov 30, 2010
DCBT 2022 Donders Cognition, Brain and Technology Summer School
Sep 5, 2022 - Sep 16, 2022 Nijmegen, NL TBD
BCBT 2021 Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology Summer School
Sep 13, 2021 - Sep 16, 2021 Barcelona TBD
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